
刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
Journal of Computers Design of polynomial basis multiplier over GF(2m) for resisting fault-based cryptanalysis and off-line testing 第一作者 2011/10
Journal of Computers Concurrent error detection in polynomial basis multiplier over GF(2m) using irreducible trinomial 第二作者 2011/10
IET Information Security Non-XOR Approach for Low-Cost Bit-Parallel Polynomial Basis Multiplier over GF(2m) 第三作者 2011/09
International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control Defect classification for LCD color filters using neural-network-based decision tree classifier 第二作者 2011/07
清雲學報 電動車用鋰電池之殘電量估測 第一作者 2011/07
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Use of raised cosine interpolator filter for timing recovery 第一作者 2011/07
International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control Hiding data in triangle meshes by rearranging representation order 第一作者 2011/06
Chung Cheng Ling Hsueh Pao/Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology The Study of Mutually Independent Hamiltonian Paths of Crossed Cubes 第二作者 2011/05
清雲學報 使用整合型OTP系統改進認證系統安全性-以學生資訊系統為例 第一作者 2011/04
IET Information Security Self-checking Alternating Logic Bit-Parallel Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplier with Type-t 第二作者 2011/03